In the past year social media has brought on this overwhelming desire to pursue entrepreneurship, leave the 9-5 hustle, level up, get money, get rich quick, etc.
Everyone is chasing 6-figure months and increased followers to prove their level of influence. Every 60s you will see receipts and numbers showing how they went from 1400 followers to 100k followers in 6 months.
Coupled with a bunch of “how I made $20,000 in the past 4 days and guess what? YOU CAN TOO, post.
It all sounds good and refreshing to people who struggle with the spirit of poverty. You can have it all, become a self-made millionaire in a YEAR!” Christian Entrepreneurship has become the next big wave…and the #1 marketing strategy. With no real relationship or revelation of who God is!
YES, we are called to live in abundance but…
While everybody is locked and loaded, puffed up, and bloated with pride; the enemy has the kingdom of God distracted, again.
There are so many people on social media declaring how they hit another goal, another monetary gain. Let’s not forget the group of self-made millionaires prancing around our timelines with catchy songs and lyrics so that they can be emotionally stimulating so you’ll think of them even when they’re not posting.
But who is Winning souls? 100k Followers and not once have you introduced any of them to Christ…” Christian Entrepreneur.”
As I sat today totally wrecked by God through a Holy Spirit encounter, as the salt of my tears burned my ever so sensitive (probably chemically burned) face, enthralled in my worship music I heard “If the rocks cry out, so will I.”
In that moment I could no longer hear the music, everything was silent, and then, ever so gently in my spirit I could clearly hear
“The rocks out praise you.”
Wrecked. Judged. Exposed. Capsized. Thunderstruck. Yes, that’s the one THUNDERSTRUCK! In that moment all I COULD do was cry out unto God in repentance.
Now maybe this isn’t your experience, maybe you can’t relate because you have been walking a path devoid of mistake or failure. Kudos to you and all your good works!
However, for those like me who have been so engulfed in pursuit of purpose, destiny, and seeing prophetic words come to pass. You realize you failed to stop and praise the God that gave you the opportunity in the first place!
Yup, this is for you… this is for us!
As per usual when Holy Spirit drops something on me, I go to my Bible. This is a must for anyone out there who finds themselves needing clarification on dreams, words, etc. GO TO YOUR BIBLE!
So, I went to my Bible and found this…
Jesus said to the Pharisees in Luke 19:40 “I tell you, if these people keep silent, the stones will cry out!” Don’t we have more to praise God for than inanimate objects do?
Are we so caught up in our own abilities to hustle, bustle, and toil that we can’t praise the ONLY God that has been opening and closing the doors for us this entire time?
Not to mention the protection we received during a whole PANDEMIC! If you’re reading this right now, you have so much to praise God for! Yet, the ROCKS are out praising us!!
The EARTH is praising God harder and louder than the very people God created in HIS image, for that very purpose!
Obviously, rocks aren’t outside singing songs of praise as we walk down the street. But are there not massive, record-breaking earthquakes happening on the Earth?
Weather shifts, and conditions recently that have been mind-blowing to say the very least. Has the Earth been praising God in our place this entire time?
While the body of Christ is chasing 6,7,8 figure success the enemy has successfully distracted us from doing THEE very thing we were created to do.
My question for you today is…
How long will you let ROCKS out praise you?
For me this brought me to tears and repentance, I never want to be so caught up in the pursuit of… and lose sight of the source of whatever I’m pursuing. IF this was for you join me in this prayer:
“Father God, I repent. I repent for making an idol out of __________ and pursuing your hand more than I have been pursuing your heart.
Lord, forgive me as I forgive those who have despitefully used me, too. You are worthy of being praised and deserve all the Glory, Honor, and PRAISE FOREVER. For I can do nothing alone, it is by Your power, and not my own.
Father, decrease me and increase your spirit within me. I surrender my will, my mind, my heart to You. Holy Spirit thank you for leading me, guiding me, and protecting me as I come and go.
Touch the minds and hearts of all your people, Lord, that they may hear and see you clearly. In the name of Jesus, amen.
Have an amazing week!!
Have Apple Music and need a worship playlist to listen to? Here’s mine: