I had this revelation recently…
As a father it’s your responsibility to mimic the love of God to your children. You set the stage for how they will receive God orrr reject Him.
God is love, unfailing love, unshakable love, unconditional love. Have you shown your kids that kind of love?
God is a promise keeper, a way maker, a protector and provider.
Have you shown your kids these things?
When God calls their name will they know it’s good based on the love they have received from their earthly father?
Or will they reject it because they don’t know how to recognize or receive love.
Have you prepared your children to hear and fall prey to the voice of satan?
You never tell the truth, your “love” isn’t love it’s manipulation to get a desired outcome.
Are you representing the father of lies, the father of illusion and broken promises?
We focus a lot on daddy issues in dating and romantic relationships but what about how broken father relationships impact how someone views God or can be tempted to follow the enemy because it feels so familiar.